Advanced solutions
for your eyes


md tech

Quality of Materials

Constant research of new materials with greater quality and innovation.

Company Group

md tech is a part of a group  specialized in different branches of ophthalmology.

Toric Calculator

Use our calculator to help you find the right toric lens.


Our challenge in the ophthalmic field

MD TECH was born in 2010 to respond to the increasingly growing and specific request of the ophthalmic surgery field, producing intraocular lenses and injection systems used in cataract surgery. The 20-years’ experience of its founders has led to high standards of quality and innovation in terms of materials and easiness of use of the manufacture DMs.

The constant research of innovation without forgetting the first aim:
patient health and safety.

0 M+


0 K

Attendance in Surgery

0 K++

Attendance in World Congresses


Products Launched


Our recent articles

MD Tech at the Arab Health – Global Healthcare Medical Expo 2025 We are excited...
MD Tech at ESCRS Winter Meeting 2025   MD Tech at ESCRS Winter Meeting 2025...
Join Us at APAO 2025 in New Delhi! We are thrilled to announce our participation...


md tech has always operated in line with quality standards, full customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.
For this reason, our products, our facility, and our Quality System are in compliance with International Standards.
We are always in evolution to keep up with new requirements and ensure the continuous research of increasingly in-depth controls having as first aim  patient safety and health.


PROGETTO: Custom Pack per Chirurgia Intraoculare

UNIONE EUROPEA: Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale

CUP B78I22004910007- Decreto Dirigenziale n° 1118 del 24/11/2022

Progetto realizzato nell’ambito del POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014 -2020 Asse Prioritario 3 “Competitività del sistema produttivo”. Obiettivo 3 “Rilancio dellapropensione agli investimenti del sistema produttivo”. AZIONE “3.1.1 Aiuti per gli investimenti in macchinari, impianti ebeni intangibili e accompagnamento dei processi di riorganizzazione e ristrutturazione aziendale

Avviso pubblico per il sostegno alle MPMI campane per l’immissione sul mercato la messa a disposizione sul mercato o la messa in servizio dei dispositivi medici per uso umano e degli accessori per tali dispositivi. (art.1 Regolamento (UE) 2017/745 – Medical Devices Regulation – MDR)